Tangela Mills

100% Debt Free!

I am here to report that I am totally debt free. No more debt! Yes, I am doing the happy dance. I used the snowball technique to pay off all the debts on my credit file. Consistency, prayers, and God's help pay off.  

Once I paid off my debt, my credit score increased to 673 from 522. It's still a work in progress, but I'm well on my way.

Let's not forget about saving! I was able to save during this process. I'm proud to report I have over $4,000 saved.  

 Lisa's wisdom helped me along the journey. Now it's time to rebuild on a sturdy foundation.

Make a Wise Investment!

The value of this life-changing course is well over $75,000! 

Learn from a TOP Professional, Certified Master Financial Coach!


Here's How I Calculate the Value:

The average person in the U.S. has $5,221 in credit debt at a 16.4% interest rate.

If you make ONLY the $67/month minimum payment and NEVER add to the balance, it will take 33 years to pay the full balance.

If G.R.O.W. Finances helps you pay off that debt in 12 months, you'd save 32 years and 26,050 dollars!
Invest the $67 monthly payment, at a conservative 6% interest, other those years and you'll have $75,496!!!

The value is even higher if you have more debt.

Now it's your turn. Do a personal calculation and then decide. 

What value do you place on eliminating money worries, stress, and fights FOREVER?
What's it worth to have security, peace of mind, and be able to live your dream life?  

IMPORTANT: Only register for G.R.O.W. Finances if you believe the value exceeds the investment.
By the way, that's good practice for EVERY financial decision. Consider the value, not just the cost.